I just returned from my first visit to mainland China to meet the Wheel2Wheel team for a field visit with our nominated charitable organization in China, GECKO. As Morgan explained in his most recent blog, there were a few hiccups and “copious unforeseen complications” so we were forced to devise a Plan B. We got there in the end and successfully arrived for what became an epic visit.
We arrived late on Thursday evening to the Riverside Retreat in Yangshuo to be met with open arms by Shelly our host and the owner of the property. Mihela, the founder of GECKO and her team (Tom, Winnie and Flora) were there waiting for us and we embarked on the first of many amazing meals together over the next 48 hours.
Friday morning we were due at the Yangshuo Vocational School to participate in the GECKO curriculum with Mihela and her team. After yet another wholesome meal and plethora of food, it was suggested that we walk to the school through the villages and fields so we could see more of the local area and WOW was it “EPIC”! The mountains, gardens, rice fields, landscape, wildlife, simplicity, culture and temperature…it was just amazing and cold!
We arrived at the school during an outdoor break for the students. Our arrival and Morgan’s stature created quite a stir and provoked many stares of curiosity and teenage giggles. Levina did an amazing job introducing Wheel2Wheel in Mandarin to an audience of 115 students and teachers and then we all partook in the “green ambassador” curriculum presented by GECKO. Experiencing first hand how GECKO has set out to change the think pattern of the next generation of China’s leaders was a lifetime experience for me both on a personal and educational level. I myself learned a few new facts on sustainability and environmental education. Their curriculum is a fun and engaging way to teach these children and encourage each of us to make responsible environmental decisions to protect our planet and environment.
Friday and Saturday afternoon were spent exploring the various cultural attractions of the region including a raft ride down the Li River, checking out Moon Hill, a few drinks on West Street, exploring the side streets of Xin Ping, participating in a local tea ceremony in a small village along the Li River, eating many local meals together and getting to see the amazing Light Show which uses the natural surroundings of the river and mountains as it’s stage.
It was an “epic” trip filled with many fond memories, experiences and laughs. I would like to thank GECKO and the team (Mihela, Tom, Winnie and Flora), Shelly and all the people that made our first charitable field visit such a success. I was asked by Morgan at one point of the visit what I thought of my first visit to China. My reply was “It’s gorgeous”. Morgan’s reply, “I’ve never heard anyone describe China as gorgeous,” as he and Mihela giggled at my American enthusiasm. Maybe “gorgeous” was not the correct word choice as “epic” seemed to dominate the conversation during our visit, but by definition “gorgeous” means strikingly beautiful or magnificent, extremely pleasing, fine, or good. Either or, it was brilliant and makes me proud to be a part of this amazing expedition and supporting a group like GECKO.