Wheel2Wheel is a registered non-profit organisation in Hong Kong.
Wheel2Wheel is a uniquely direct, tangible and fun way for corporations and individuals to get their charitable donations into the hands of people who desperately need assistance. Wheel2Wheel will only work with charities that are administratively efficient, on-the-ground and working in direct contact with the actual people in need.
We have identified one reputable yet smaller charity in each of the 10 countries the Wheel2Wheel Team passes through. The Wheel2Wheel Team will personally meet the charity workers and beneficiaries of your donations face-to-face during the journey. We will post details, photos and videos of these encounters at as they occur.
Donations to Wheel2Wheel can be made in two ways: (1) a general donation which we will allocate to all 10 charities, or (2) you can nominate your own specific selection of our charities which your donation is to be directed towards.
Please make cheque payable to “Wheel2Wheel Limited” and post to:
9/22 Shouson Hill Road
Shouson Hill
Hong Kong
Be sure to include your contact details with the cheque so we can issue you an official receipt for your donation.