For the past few months I’ve been working on the travel and adventure aspects of the second W2W expedition. The next installment of Wheel2Wheel will be based in India, so establishing a viable route is key. India is so diverse, so there’s lots to cover tourism-wise.
With each area boasting a variety of temples, sacred grounds, lakes, caves, and more, it’s difficult to choose which destinations would be most suitable for W2W to visit.
I’ve been trying to match cinematically epic locations with prospective NGOs, therby blending the DNA of W2W into one amazing journey. This will enable us to create exciting and visually fresh episodes each week of the season. There are so many must-sees – Taj Mahal, anyone? Through my research I’ve seen that each distinct state has their own style and culture, and no two attractions are the same.
Right now the route of roughly ten thousand kilometres covers most of India, with all the cool destinations accounted for. The next step is to prioritize which locations will make the final cut and feature in the television series.
It’s amazing to see how the next production is developing – day by day we get more information, discover new things about India, and get one step closer to our goal. The planning is going well and although we still have a way to go, we are very positive about the progress.