Wheel2Wheel is an independent non-profit organisation created by Morgan Parker to raise awareness and facilitate financial assistance to brilliant yet under-recognised charitable organisations throughout Australasia. Through its innovative approach of staging entertaining motorcycle expeditions, Wheel2Wheel is able to create exceptional awareness for selected humanitarian causes by weaving them into popular adventure-travel television documentary series. Wheel2Wheel tells the stories of these philanthropic champions and provides the public with objective insight to the key social, environmental, and humanitarian issues facing the region. The initial Wheel2Wheel adventure set off from Hong Kong on 1 March 2011 and saw Morgan Parker ride 25,000km through 10 countries to Brisbane, Australia. Travelling with a film crew, he visited 10 extensively researched and carefully selected charitable organisations. Each one tackling one of the continents’ most critical issues, doing it superbly but not receiving the systemic attention of the region’s philanthropic community. The 2012 premiere broadcast of Wheel2Wheel’s first adventure on National Geographic Channel reached over eight million households in 21 countries around the world. Filmed in HD, the television series is visually breathtaking, inspiring and educational. Apart from capturing the awesome humanitarian work being done throughout, our intrepid adventurer also witnessed some of the world’s most extraordinary natural landscapes. The 125 day documented journey takes in operatic mountains, geological wonders, ancient human creations, serpent rivers, stunning beaches, pre-historic rainforests, red deserts, and numerous urban metropolises. Additional broadcasts of Wheel2Wheel’s television series will follow in the coming years. Wheel2Wheel is entirely self-funded to enable 100% of donations to be passed through directly to its ten selected charitable organisations. Our motorcycle adventures are carbon neutral with Wheel2Wheel off-setting 100% of all emissions created. Wheel2Wheel is already planning its second adventure and television production …
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2005 年,一名在香港擁有體面工作,但靜極思動的專業人士,夢想有一天可以與志同道合的朋友萬里長征,騎電單車返回「家鄉」澳洲。經過數年時間,這項純粹的玩樂演變成今時今日Wheel2Wheel 這個雄心勃勃的計劃。
Wheel2Wheel 是一個獨立的非牟利團體,目標是協助澳紐地區一些表現出色但寂寂無聞的慈善團體提高知名度並給予資助。透過電單車越野歷險的新穎方式探訪這些基層慈善團體,Wheel2Wheel能夠親身體驗草根階層的需要,瞭解他們的善舉。此外,Wheel2Wheel 亦會利用傳媒的支持,致力客觀地為公眾呈現澳紐地區所面對的社會、環境和人道問題。
Wheel2Wheel 的首次歷險之旅將於 2011 年 3 月 1 日啟程,屆時Morgan Parker將展開長達25,000 公里的旅程,穿越香港與澳洲之間的10個國家。去到每個地區,Wheel2Wheel 都會重點介紹一個正在處理當地重要議題,成績卓越,但尚未受到當地慈善界別適切注視的小型慈善團體或非牟利組織。我們深信,只要我們的新穎慈善大使一直騎電單車,來自各界的支持便可以延續。
span style=”font-family: ‘新細明體’,’serif’; font-size: 10pt;”>不要忘記,這項冒險歷程連續125天也全靠BMW F800GS 電單車。因此,Wheel2Wheel之旅亦是一場身心耐力戰。面對遼闊無邊的大自然,無論人類抑或電單車都必定會經歷種種掙扎、考驗。隨著日子一天一天的過,累積至星期甚至數個月,脆弱的人類和機器也會受到試煉。
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Wheel2Wheelchannel
Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wheel2wheel
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wheel2wheelteam