This summer I’ve been involved with conceptualizing and planning the next W2W expedition to be staged in India. As our research deepens, we are getting increasingly excited about where the next series will take us – not only physically, but also in terms of making the difference we are determined to make.
Over the course of the last few months we have gone from only knowing the country we want to go to, to having a preliminary route, a list of under-recognized NGO’s doing good work within the country, and insight into the key environmental challenges that India is facing today.
While the research seemed daunting at first, what with the cultural and geographical complexities that India as a country presents, we feel we now have a good grasp of how we can most comprehensively showcase India’s beauty, while simultaneously educating our audience about its current environmental state.
As we get closer to our goal, we are constantly refining and reconceptualizing the direction we want to take as we want to strike a perfect balance between philanthropy, adventure, and tourism – all the things that make Wheel2Wheel a unique organization and TV series.
The next step of the process is to fine tune our ideas and to begin fundraising for the next expedition. It is starting to come together – and while many things remain unpredictable, we are excited to make our concepts reality.