Listening to Morgan Parker tell his story, and speak about the vision behind Wheel2Wheel, makes you stop and pay attention. There’s an uncommon clarity in what he has to say, and it drowns out the noise that permeates our everyday lives.
After a moment’s reflection, it dawns on me why.
His ideas are refreshingly bold. His words clear and purposeful. But it is the actions that swiftly follow that set him apart from most.
The Wheel2Wheel story is more than motorcycle journey. What began as an inspiration from a TV series, required a conscious decision to step out of his comfort zone and, countless hours in the saddle later, has evolved into a journey of epic proportions.
The Wheel2Wheel story is more than a well-intentioned cause. What began with a successful, young businessman reflecting on how he can have a greater positive impact on the world around him, who then spoke to and learned from other business leaders and philanthropists over a period of years, has culminated in a vision to raise awareness of important issues across Australasia and the unsung heroes leading change. That vision is being made real by countless hours researching the issues, meeting the charities making an impact, and ensuring the integrity of the project.
Bringing these complex ingredients together yields a simple and compelling result: a man driven by a strong sense of purpose; a project that encourages us all to take action and live our dreams.
For me, this is what Wheel2Wheel is all about: Living the dream. Raising awareness. Inspiring action.
If we can stimulate each visitor to the website, each online follower, and each television viewer to take one small, forward step – whether that be towards embarking on their own life adventure, supporting the Wheel2Wheel charities, or championing change in their own community – the chain reaction could be immense.
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