Today was freaky, there I am sitting at work, in what I thought was going to be another routine HR-arranged corporate insurance meeting when the guys from International SOS ( walked through the door. We were scheduled to receive a presentation from SOS regarding a corporate subscription service they provide for companies who have employees travelling frequently to ‘less friendly’ (read: dangerous) places around Asia. It wasn’t long before I started recounting in my mind the route map for Wheel2Wheel, which as it turns out passes through some areas of genuine concern. In fact, areas that are considered “hot spots” for terrorism, pirates and militia activity – rural areas of southern Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia. Before the SOS presentation had even finished I had decided to ask the guys if they would cast their eyes over the huge map of Asia that I coincidently had laid out across my office desk. Within seconds of tracking the Wheel2Wheel route across 9 territories of Asia plus Australia, Tony Wrigley of SOS had told me more about the local security conditions on the ground than any book could divulge. It was immediately clear he knew what he has talking about and exactly the types of issues and corresponding precautions our team would need to take on the journey. I intend to ask the team at SOS to provide us with on-going advice (and counter-terrorism training) up to and during the ride in 2011.
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