Every time I’ve spoken to someone in the last 6 months about travelling through south-east Asia on a motorbike, their routine response is “ooh, you’d better be careful, lots of nasty gangs and militia out there”. So I started doing some research recently to see whether the threat of danger for the Wheel2Wheel team is genuine. Part of that research involved talking to Tony Ridley at International SOS, who is an awesome resource on this topic and the region generally (more on that another time). Whilst I choose to believe Asia is full of nice peaceful people, as the scout motto says: “Be Prepared”, so I’ve decided to be prudent and dive into some basic combat training – just what every corporate executive-cum-adventurer needs! After talking to various friends in the world of martial arts, I selected the Israeli combat discipline known as Krav Maga (www.krav-maga.com). What really resonated with me about Krav Maga was its practical and logical approach to a comprehensive variety of hostile situations. I have done some karate and muay thai over the last 20 years, but at least on paper, no other martial art seems as directly relevant to the Wheel2Wheel adventure as Krav Maga appears to be. My first lesson is next week.
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