Today is Thanksgiving, my favorite American holiday. It is the one day of the year that incorporates my three “F’s”; family, friends and food, glorious food!!!! Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie…the list goes on and on.
Yes, Thanksgiving is a day for us food lovers to indulge, but more importantly it is a day to show gratitude. A day to recognize how blessed we are in life to have choices, to have food, shelter and medicine, to have our health, to appreciate the opportunities we have been given in life, to appreciate and respect our planet and her environment, our family and friends.
Being the honorary American on the Wheel2Wheel Team I thought it was only fitting to give thanks for all the blessings I have in my personal life and all the blessings Wheel2Wheel has provided me up to this point (and moving forward). I know this journey will be a momentous experience for each of us. So without further ado…
- A big thank you to Nathan and my boys for their patience and understanding in sharing family time with the world of Wheel2Wheel.
- Thanks to Charlie and Ewan for inspiring this adventure.
- Thanks to Morgan and Simon for deciding to LIVE THE DREAM.
- Thanks to my fellow Wheel2Wheel team members, our volunteers and associated partners for being so passionate, patient and diligent on all tasks. Without you none of this would be possible.
- Thanks to Manolis for continuing to work hard on updating our website, launching our online donation portal and Own-A-Km campaign (coming soon)!
- Thanks to the wonderful individuals who founded our selected ten charities and laboriously work toward bettering the lives of others in their unique and compassionate fashion.
- Thank you to our Wheel2Wheel followers, supporters and donators. You are continuing to make a difference in your life and the lives of others,
I encourage you to give thanks for all that you have this Thanksgiving by LIVING THE DREAM with Wheel2Wheel. You can then celebrate with a slice (or two) of pumpkin pie!
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