The summer months are burning away and we are drawing ever nearer to the Wheel2Wheel departure on 1 March 2011. Its amazing how time flies and we go from having ” so much time until we leave” to feeling we don’t have enough time to get things done. I for one have been off for the last month with Aria in Australia – I had become so completely immersed inWheel2Wheel that having this time off has been refreshing. I guess in the same way we all need to take ‘leave’ from our jobs to gain new perspective and enthusiasm for the tasks ahead.
Investigation of charities for China, Malaysia and East Timor continues – if anyone has any great little organisations they are aware of, please let me know. For the purposes of the television series, we are also continuing to research and develop the more macro ‘country-by-country’ themes that the charities represent. This has been really rewarding from an intellectual point of view as it shows how wide-spread the issues are across the countries we’re visiting. What’s more you begin to understand how complex issues such as deforestation, ecological breakdown, HIV/Aids, and educating children can become with all the obstacles in place.
The summer has provided new opportunities for training, I have stepped up my cardiovascular focus in addition to continuing strength work. Wherever it is summer, it is winter somewhere else. Last week I spent time in the snow at Mt. Buller with Simon, we skied, spent time in the gym and did a challenging (at least for me!) snow run. In what seems a strange dichotomy to dusty 30 degree-plus days in South-east Asia and the Australian desert, the alpine environment continues to be a great training ground for us as we develop endurance for Wheel2Wheel.

With less than seven months until departure it is clear we need help to complete all the critical preparatory tasks. We are now actively looking for two Hong Kong-based project managers to work within the Wheel2Wheel team through to departure on 1 March 2011.
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