I’m not feeling very “Steve Austin” the bionic man as I write today. The bravado of coming out of hospital after my LARS ligament ACL replacement has worn off like the morphine every six hours … is it time for more yet???
Anyway first things first. Dr Simon Tan you are a legend amongst orthopedic surgeons. Another perfect result thanks to your immense talent … now it’s all up to me and the rehab program. Dr James Milross … you did what few few people can do … keep me quiet for seveal hours … thanks.
To the staff at St Vincent’s hospital you are the global benchmark for brilliant caring service. While we all hear about the dissatisfaction with the Australian health care system, I can attest first hand … this hospital is six star in everyway. Thanks to Medicare and NIB for paying for it all …yeah!!!
Yesterday was full of pain killers every six hours, icing every hour, elevation, compression stockings, crutches and the start of rehab exercises. As usual, after being picked up from hospital by my loving brother Richard and daughter Hannah, I was quick to get home and throw myself enthusiastically into exercise. The Physio says three times a day for the first few days … so what do I do? Every hour … stupid.
My knee has now blown up today, so its back to the slow and steady approach that got me through last time.
Waking up this morning was torture. At least until I could get my body moving, well, sort of moving. The shower was interesting! Anyway my focus is back, I’m determined to achieve an efficient, effective and quick rehab. Dr Tan has recommended a group of physios who work with elite athletes. I am looking forward to doing WHATEVER it takes to be running in three weeks and back to normal in three months.
Right now its hard to imagine being fully recovered within that time period, but I know its possible. Its all about dealing with the pain barrier, being bloody-minded and above all … having a goal to aim for: a knee that will carry me through the 20,000 kms for Wheel2Wheel (oh, and also enable me to ski hardcore for another 50 years!).
I will keep you all informed as my rehab progresses. I hope it will be interesting to others, especially anyone who has had an ACL operation. I’m also keen to look back on these few months and just see what’s possible when I put my mind to it. Short term goals are to drive Hannah to the State championships next weekend and to be able to ride my bike when I get to Hong Kong in late September. Stay tuned …
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