The bears’ cages are no bigger than their own bodies. Some of them were found moaning, banging their heads against their cages… Some of them are still “drugged out” but they all have one thing in common… The look in their eyes … They are all in despair and have totally lost their meaning of living…
They live in fear, pain and with immense stress everyday.
Bile has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to cure high temperatures, liver problems as well as impotency. However, there are now many other “alternatives” methods/ remedies are far cheaper and much more easier to come by, safer and as effective!
Professor Dang is the chief Pathologist at the Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi. From our discussion with Professor Dang, there are harmful side effects to contaminated bear bile sold as a “cure” in traditional Chinese medicine. The bears’ livers and gall bladders are often severely diseased, the bile contaminated with pus, blood and even faeces… resulted from the cruelty of being “overly extracted”.
Recent reports published have revealed that people have became “severely sick” of liver and kidney disease after consuming bear bile AND some people taking it for “increasing sexual strength” have now the “reversed” effect ie becoming impotent.
It’s animal cruelty and it is happening every day in parts of the world! We can all make a different here by purchasing wisely and telling our friends too.