On behalf of ACF’s staff, volunteers, alumni group and saving club I would like to say thank you very much for your visit to ACF, sharing experiences for our Timorese youth, and involving young people in the motorbikes rally. This is very great boost for ACF, to promote public awareness in national and international sites.
With the presence of Wheel2wheel.tv and motorbikes rally in Timor Leste, many young people learned about ACF which they didn’t know before. And after the rally many young people are coming to access the training so that the statistic in this month (June) is growing up to 121 total students from English, Computer and Management, Thanks to Wheel2wheel.tv
ACF is hoping wheel2wheel.tv could continue support especially to the infrastructures, Training equipment, staff capacity building and staff operational costs to enable us keep our project going forward as we are very recent organization needs lots of support from outside funding resources. Also most of us are young people and lack of skills on leadership management so that we need to develop this area to manage our organization works properly.
With your support, we will challenging our self to make things happen, value your dollars, produce the impact to improve someone’s life and change the world as the real change is our dream.
Jose de Jesus, Action for Change Foundation