Today I once again mounted my Yamaha WR426 dirt bike in Brisbane to continue my off-road training. After the painful falls on my last ride, it would be fair to say I was feeling a little apprehensive this morning. Somehow putting on all the protective equipment didn’t give me the warm self-confident feeling it has previously. Cameron Woodrow was kind enough to endure my painfully slow pace once again.
The more I ride dirt bikes through forest trails, the more I appreciate the fine skill and courage required to be good at this dangerous activity. Balance in all aspects of your body is critical – whether its standing up or maintaining the right pressure on the throttle or brakes. Strength is helpful in the absence of courage or balance as it means you can soak up the vibration and throw the bike around if required. But above all else, the most valuable behaviour (and I don’t have it) is the mental willingness to ride fast; faster than your brain senses is appropriate for the conditions, faster than you think the bike can handle. Of course this is true in many sports – once you are able to “let go” and move beyond what feels comfortable you experience it as it was meant to be. In dirt biking, that’s when you start to “feel” the bike, as opposed to “ride” the bike (which is what I am doing).
Today I regressed somewhat, although I only flew off the bike once into the gravel, I didn’t push myself as hard because the memories of crashing last time were still too fresh in my mind. I sort of tinkered through the forest, not wanting to fall off and therefore never really getting that feeling I need to be getting if I’m going to make the Wheel2Wheel journey safely.
Fortunately there is still 6 months til D-Day and hopefully a few more opportunties to get my Yamaha dirty.
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