There are only 72 days until the 1 March departure and I wanted to write a blog trying to explain just how hard the team are working to make this huge charitable idea become a reality.
I have a full-time job, so volunteering with Wheel2Wheel is a case of doing what I can, when I can. The team always understands this and is appreciative of whatever time I can spend helping out.
This week we had our team Christmas party at Morgan’s house. It was really the first time pretty much the whole team had physically been together – there were 14 of us! It was an amazing night, being in the company of such passionate hard-working people, who are all thinking the same thing – how can we help others. The conversation never stopped, the funny stories of setbacks experienced, the ‘brainstorming’ that comes after a few glasses of wine, and then of course the priceless video montage we finished off that night!!
Yes, this is a team that is going to get things done. The core of the team – Paige, Alan and Morgan are all working 14 hours a day – talking to our charities, media partners, ambassadors, potential donors, sponsors, people in each of the countries who are helping with the logistics, then planning events, and continuing to build the website and online presence! Like a busy executive in the corporate world – they get over 100 emails a day! Just listening to them is exhausting. Then there’s Jodi – who had just returned from her second month volunteering at New Hope in Cambodia. She was full of emotional stories of the incredible hardship she saw there, but also full of excitement for the improvements that can be made with Wheel2Wheel’s support of New Hope. No one in the team thinks about their hectic workload as a hardship and they all talk about it being an honour- they all love it and love what Wheel2Wheel is already achieving. I also met Manolis for the first time – he is the guy developing the website with the newLIVE THE DREAM features. Even though he is an outside consultant, this group considers him absolutely 100% part of the team.
The more time I spend volunteering for Wheel2Wheel, the more I realise how big this idea is, how challenging the upcoming bike tour will be, how good it feels to give something back to society and try to make a difference, and how at the end of the day, people are everything – and the people working in this group are amazing.
I’m inspired by Morgan’s vision, and I’m being transformed as a person as I watch what this Wheel2Wheel team is making into a reality. Let us all participate in this – spread the word and be part of our team!
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